EP #1126: Racism is a Public Health Crisis - Antiracism with W. Kamau Bell, Ali Michael, & Eleonora Bartoli
Our Problem, Our Path: Collective Antiracism for White People.
ALI MICHAEL: pronunciation: ALI (Alee) Michael (no S) - as the Co-Director of the Race Institute for K-12 Educators, Ali Michael, Ph.D. works with schools and organizations across the country to help make research on race, Whiteness, and education more accessible and relevant to educators. Ali is the author of Raising Race Questions: Whiteness, Inquiry and Education, winner of the 2017 Society of Professors of Education Outstanding Book Award. She is a member of a multiracial editorial team and sits on the editorial board of the journal Whiteness and Education. Her article, What do White Children Need to Know About Race?, co-authored with Dr. Eleonora Bartoli in Independent Schools Magazine, won the Association and Media Publishing Gold Award for Best Feature Article in 2014. When she is not writing, speaking, or training, Ali is striving to be an antiracist co-parent to two amazing kids. Her writing and speeches are available at alimichael.org.
ELEONORA BARTOLI, PH.D. pronunciation: Elee-uh-nor-uh (pronounced every vowel) - Bart-oh-lee - is a consultant and licensed psychologist, specializing in trauma, resilience-building, and multicultural/social justice counseling. She earned her Ph.D. in Psychology: Human Development/Mental Health Research from the University of Chicago. After receiving her clinical license, she opened a small independent practice, which she has held since. After 15 years in academia (12 of those years as the director of a Master’s in counseling program), she became a full-time consultant. Her mission is to share the tools of counseling and psychology in support of social justice work. Throughout her career, Dr. Bartoli has held leadership positions in professional organizations at both the state and national levels. She has also presented at numerous conferences and is the author of several publications. In all her work, Dr. Bartoli integrates an understanding of neuroscience, focusing on how it informs symptom development as well as healing and resilience-building strategies. Dr. Bartoli has been the recipient of academic awards. Her website: dreleonorabartoli.com
The Kathryn Zox Show
Building a healthy multiracial society is possible, but not without millions of white people seeing racism as our problem and choosing to walk an antiracist path. It will take us supporting and challenging one another on this journey to learn more about the realities of racism and what we can do about it. Award-winning author Ali Michael and clinical psychologist Eleonora Bartoli invite white people to join them on an antiracist journey to learn to talk about race with one another in ways that lead to real change. They share the important realities vs. the myths of racism as well as the action needed to be taken so that we can do our part in dismantling racism. She is the Co-Director of the Race Institute for K-12 Educators and the winner of the 2017 Society of Professors of Education Outstanding Book Award.
Essential Reading for Inclusive Schools: A Round Up of New Antiracist Books for Educators
The tagline for Our Problem, Our Path (Corwin Press, August 2022) sums up the ultimate aspirations of this important book: “A healthy multiracial society could be ours.”
As authors Ali Michael and Eleonora Bartoli make clear, building a healthy multiracial society is possible. But it can’t be done without millions of white people seeing racism as their problem and choosing to walk an antiracist path. The authors invite white people — especially educators — to join them on an antiracist journey to learn to talk about race with one another in ways that lead to real change. Drawing on decades of personal and professional experiences engaging in antiracism, the authors: emphasize the need for white people to have honest, meaningful relationships not only with People of Color and Native people, but also with other white people, in order to change systems shaped by racism; provide strategies for parents and teachers to support white children to become contributing members of a healthy multiracial society; introduce trauma-informed tools from psychology that enable readers to understand and overcome their own resistance and fear around taking antiracist action; and demonstrate how white people can take antiracist action today, exactly where they are and as they are.
Grounded in an understanding of antiracism as a daily, lifelong practice, Our Problem, Our Path encourages white people to help one another find the trailhead and start moving along the path toward a more just, equitable and loving multiracial society for all.
The Weekend with Ed Kalegi
Eleonora & Ali are interviewed by Ed Kalegi to speak on Our Problem, Our Path.
Northern spirit radio - Collective Antiracism: Doing the Inter & Outer Work, Together
Eleonora Bartoli & Ali Michael bring us a book about antiracism that actually helps equip people to do the work, & to do it in a way that is actually helpful & effective. Our Problem Our Path: Collective Antiracism for White People is insightful, compassionate, brave, & crucial for those who not only want to know or posture, but to help make progress against racism, in our nation & in ourselves. Eleonora is a licensed psychologist providing counseling & consulting services in trauma, resilience-building, & multicultural/social justice issues. Ali is Co-Founder & Director at the Race Institute for K-12 Educators and is all about educating for equity. Both Eleonora & Ali have authored/co-authored many other books & articles, especially about addressing racism.
Ali Michael and Eleonora Bartoli are the authors of the new book Our Problem, Our Path: Collective Antiracism for White People. Ali Michael is the co-director of the Race Institute for K-12 Education, and Eleonora Bartoli is a consultant and licensed psychologist.
Ali Michael and Eleonora Bartoli needed a safe place to discuss their questions and feelings about racism with other white friends. Now, they’ve taken that experience and translated it into a book to help others engage in a thoughtful dialogue.
Listen as they share how their book, Our Problem, Our Path: Collective Antiracism for White People.
Radio Free Palmer
Co Authors Eleonora Bartoli and Ali Michael discuss their new book, Our Problem, Our path: Collective Antiracism for White people.
David, Meaghan, and Chuck Talk About Racism and How to Be Anti-Racist
We sat down with Dr. Eleonora Bartoli and Dr. Ali Michael to talk about their book “Our Problem, Our Path: Collective Antiracism For White People”, along with what being anti-racist means and looks like.
We need to talk about whiteness
Ep 63: Whiteness and white antiracism - In this episode, I'm joined by the authors of a new book which “invites White people to talk about race with one another in ways that are generative, sustaining, and lead to real change.” Starting from the words of James Baldwin and Toni Morrison that ‘racism is a White person problem’ the authors say it’s time for White people to see how it hurts them too—and to start to do something about it. Ali Michael is the co-founder and co-director of the Race Institute for K-12 Educators, and the author of Raising Race Questions: Whiteness, Inquiry and Education (2015), winner of the 2017 Society of Professors of Education Outstanding Book Award. and Eleonora Bartoli is a clinical psychologist specializing in trauma, resilience-building, and multicultural/social justice counseling –their book is “Our Problem, Our Path: Collective Antiracism for White People.” We talk the pitfalls of white people leading antiracism initiatives, the psychology of racism and the challenges to change.
The Prolific Creator
Eleonora Bartoli and Ali Michael on Writing on Social Hot Button Issues
As the Director of the Race Institute for K-12 Educators, Ali Michael, Ph.D. works with schools and organizations across the country to help make research on race, Whiteness, and education more accessible and relevant to educators. Eleonora Bartoli, Ph.D., is a consultant and licensed psychologist, specializing in trauma, resilience-building, and multicultural/social justice counseling. She earned her Ph.D. in Psychology: Human Development/Mental Health Research from the University of Chicago. In this conversation, Ryan, Eleonora, and Ali discuss why talking about race and getting uncomfortable is the only way for change, how telling difficult stories is the path for empathy, why white people need to talk about racial inequality, the challenges of co-writing a book, and much more.
In this episode, John talks about the GOP's response to the search of Mar-a-Lago by the FBI. Next he interviews Eleonora Bartoli and Ali Michael, authors of “Our Problem, Our Path” which tackles antiracism. Then he talks with Angelo Carusone, president and CEO of Media Matters for America on right wing extremism. And wrapping it up he takes a call from Leroy in Minnesota about clean energy.
The Chat
Authors Ali Michael and Eleonora Bartoli speak on their newest book, “Our Problem, Our Path: Collective Antiracism for White People”. Click here to watch the video!
Delgado Podcast
In this week's podcast, we're honored to learn from Dr. Ali Michael and Dr. Eleonora Bartoli about their helpful new book entitled "Our Problem, Our Path: Collective Antiracism for White People." It's a powerful resource to help us learn ways to talk about racism and build skills to be actively anti-racist. Dr. Michael and Dr. Bartoli argue that inner and outer antiracist work are deeply interconnected. Their book provides readers with strategies to build racial competence and ways for us to make a more just, equitable and loving multiracial society.
Collective Antiracism For White People
Authors Dr. Eleonora Bartoli and Dr. Ali Michael discussing on how white people can hear feedback.
The Point
Mindy Todd
Our guests Dr. Ali Michael and Dr. Eleonora Bartoli are authors of Our Path Our Problem.
Jenna Chandler-Ward co wrote Learning and Teaching While White.
Episode 23: Prioritizing Health and Well-Being as a School Leader
Dr. Eleonora Bartoli
Black @America:
Dr. Eleonora Bartoli was interviewed by Dr. Ali Michael on how white people can hear feedback on how they participate in racist systems and how they can work towards change.
Healing Oppression
Dr. Eleonora Bartoli was interviewed by Dr. Stephanie Heck on the G-Town Radio Show “The (Not So Hidden) Agenda”
Healing and Resistance: Antidotes to Oppression
Emotional Fitness through COVID19 - Part 2
Emotional Fitness through COVID19 - Part 1